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Equations Introduction


An equation is a mathematical statement denoting the equality of two expressions. Some examples of equations are y=7x+2, x2+y2+xy=1, y=sin(x)y=7x+2,\ x^2+y^2+xy=1,\ y=\sin(x) etc.

The LHS(Left Hand Side) and RHS(Right Hand Side) of equations like y, x+2, x2+y2, 1y,\ x+2,\ x^2+y^2,\ 1 etc are known as expressions. Expressions are combinations of variables, constants and operators.

The alphabetical values like x,yx,y are called variables and numerical values like 1,21,2 etc are called constants.

The +, , ×, pow, sin, cos+,\ -,\ \times,\ pow,\ \sin,\ \cos etc are called operators. Operators take operand as input. Eg, in the expression: x+yx+y, xx and yy are operands and ++ is operator. Operators that take two operands like +,,×+,-,\times etc are called as binary operators. Similarly operators that take only one operand like sin,cos\sin, \cos etc are called as unary operators.

Classification of Equations

There are various criteria for classifying equations. Some of the criteria are explicitness, coordinate system, linearity/non-linearity etc. We discuss few of them as follow:

On Basis of Explicitness

Explicit Equation

An equation is said to be explicit if the output variable can be written as a function of the input variables. For example, if there is one variable xx then y=f(x)y=f(x) is explicit. Similarly, if there are two input variables x1x_1 and x2x_2 then y=f(x1,x2)y=f(x_1, x_2) is explicit. Examples are y=x2+x+1,x=y+8y=x^2+x+1, x=y+8 etc.

Implicit Equation

An equation is said to be implicit if the output variable can't be written as a function of input variables. These equations can be reduced to the the form f(x,y)=0f(x,y)=0 but not the the form y=f(x)y=f(x). Examples are x2+y2=1,xy+sin(x)=1x^2+y^2=1, xy+sin(x)=1 etc.

On Basis of Coordinate System

Cartesian Equations

Equations written for the cartesian coordinate system are cartesian equations. Example x2+y2=1,x+y=1,y=x,x2+y2=zx^2+y^2=1, x+y=1, y=x, x^2+y^2=z etc.

Polar Equations

Equations written for the polar coordinate system are polar equations. Example r=θ,r2+θ2=1r=\theta, r^2+\theta^2=1 etc.

Parametric Equations

Parametric equations define a separate function for each coordinate in terms of another parameter.

For 2D, there can be one parameter in terms of which xx and yy are defined. Example: x=fx(t),y=fy(t)x=f_x(t), y=f_y(t) represents a curve in 2D. The shape of the curve is determined by functions fxf_x and fyf_y while the length of the curve is determined by the range of parameter tt.

For 3D, there can be one or two parameters in terms of which x,y,zx,y,z are defined. Example: x=fx(u,v), y=fy(u,v), z=fz(u,v)x=f_x(u,v),\ y=f_y(u,v),\ z=f_z(u,v) represents a surface in 3D. In this case the shape of the surface is determined by fxf_x, fyf_y and fzf_z while the area is determined by the ranges of parameters u,vu,v. When there is single parameter like x=fx(t), y=fy(t), z=fz(t)x=f_x(t),\ y=f_y(t),\ z=f_z(t), it also represents a curve in 3D.

On Basis of Field

Transcendental Equations

Equations that involve trigonometric, hyperbolic, logarithmic or exponential functions are called transcendental equations. Examples: y=sin(x),y=xsin(x)y=\sin(x), y=x\sin(x) etc.

Algebraic Equations

Equations involving only algebraic variables without trigonometric, hyperbolic, logarithmic or exponential functions are called algebraic equations. Examples: x+y=1,x2+y2=2x+y=1, x^2+y^2=2 etc.

On Basis of Linearity

Linear Equations

The equation which represents a line in 2D or a plane in 3D or a hyper plane in higher dimension is called a linear equation. Examples of linear equations are x+y+1=0,x+y+z+10=0x+y+1=0, x+y+z+10=0 etc.

Non-linear Equation

Any algebraic or transcendental equation that doesn't represent a line or a plane or a hyper plane is called a non-linear equation. Examples are: x2+y2=1,y=x2,y=sin(x),y=xtan(x)x^2+y^2=1, y=x^2, y=\sin(x), y=x\tan(x) etc.