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Method of False Position

This method is an improvement over the bisection method. Like the bisection method, we start with an interval containing a solution. But instead of dividing the interval into two halves, we find the approximate solution by linear interpolation.

We call this method "false position method" because after each step an approximate(false) solution is calculated via linear interpolation. It is also called as Regula Falsi method. This method also requires the curve of function to be continuous inside the initial interval.

Method of False Position
Method of False Position Graphical demonstration

Just like the bisection method, we start with two values x0x_0 and x1x_1 such that f(x0)f(x1)<0f(x_0)\cdot f(x_1)< 0. After this, we find the next solution as the intersection between the x-axis and the line joining (x0,f(x0))(x_0,f(x_0)) and (x1,f(x1))(x_1,f(x_1)) whose equation will be:

yf(x0)=f(x1)f(x0)x1x0(xx0)\begin{equation} y-f(x_0) = \frac{f(x_1)-f(x_0)}{x_1-x_0}(x-x_0) \end{equation}

Assigning y=f(x)=0y=f(x)=0 and simplifying above, we get:

x=x0(x1x0)f(x0)f(x1)f(x0)\begin{equation} x = x_0-\frac{(x_1-x_0)f(x_0)}{f(x_1)-f(x_0)} \end{equation}

We will be using this formula of xx to find the next value of xx. In the bisection method, we calculated new x=(x1+x0)/2x=(x_1+x_0)/2 but in this method we calculate new xx with eqn(2)eq^n(2).


The algorithm for bisection method can be written as:

  1. Start
  2. Read x0x_0, x1x_1, ee (Error threshold) and NN (Maximum number of iterations).
  3. Calculate fx0=f(x0)f_{x_0}=f(x_0) and fx1=f(x1)f_{x_1}=f(x_1)
  4. If fx0fx1>0f_{x_0}\cdot f_{x_1}>0, then [x0,x1][x_0,x_1] doesn't bracket the solution, hence print the error and go to step 11.
  5. Declare xx, fxf_x, xprevx_{prev} and c=0c=0
  6. Calculate x=x0(x1x0)f(x0)f(x1)f(x0)x=x_0-\frac{(x_1-x_0)f(x_0)}{f(x_1)-f(x_0)} and fx=f(x)f_x=f(x)
  7. If fx0fx<0f_{x_0}\cdot f_x< 0 then assign x1x,fx1fxx_1\leftarrow x,f_{x_1}\leftarrow f_x, else assign x0x,fx0fxx_0\leftarrow x,f_{x_0}\leftarrow f_x.
  8. If c>0c>0 and xprevx<e|x_{prev}-x|< e then goto step 9.
  9. Assign xprevxx_{prev}\leftarrow x, cc+1c\leftarrow c+1 and goto step 6.
  10. Print solution xx.
  11. Stop


* Method of False Position in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX_ITER 100

double f(double x)
return x * x - 2;

int main()
double x0, x1, threshold;
double x, x_prev=NAN, fx, fx0, fx1;
int iter = 0;
printf("---------Method of False Position---------\n");
printf("Enter x0: ");
scanf("%lf", &x0);
printf("Enter x1: ");
scanf("%lf", &x1);
fx1 = f(x1);
fx0 = f(x0);

// Check whether the interval brackets a solution
if (fx0 * fx1 >= 0)
printf("The given interval doesn't bracket a solution\n");
return -1;

printf("Enter error threshold: ");
scanf("%lf", &threshold);

printf("%4s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "N", "x0", "x1", "f(x0)", "f(x1)", "x", "f(x)");

// Perform method of false position
while (iter < MAX_ITER)
x = x0 - (x1 - x0) * fx0 / (fx1 - fx0);
fx = f(x);

printf("%4d %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf %10.5lf\n", iter + 1, x0, x1, fx0, fx1, x, fx);

// Reassign the interval
if (fx0 * fx < 0)
x1 = x;
fx1 = fx;
x0 = x;
fx0 = fx;

if (iter > 0 && fabs(x_prev - x) < threshold)
// Check for the error after at least one iteration is done
printf("\nHence, the solution is: %10.5lf\n", x);
return 0;

x_prev = x;

printf("Max Iterations reached");
return -1;


---------Method of False Position---------
Enter x0: 1
Enter x1: 2
Enter error threshold: 0.001

N x0 x1 f(x0) f(x1) x f(x)
1 1.00000 2.00000 -1.00000 2.00000 1.33333 -0.22222
2 1.33333 2.00000 -0.22222 2.00000 1.40000 -0.04000
3 1.40000 2.00000 -0.04000 2.00000 1.41176 -0.00692
4 1.41176 2.00000 -0.00692 2.00000 1.41379 -0.00119
5 1.41379 2.00000 -0.00119 2.00000 1.41414 -0.00020

Hence, the solution is: 1.41414


In the regula falsi method, the error decreases by a factor cn<1|c_n|< 1 after the nthn^th iteration. The factor cc is variable for each iteration but the new error is always proportional to the previous error raised to power 1.

en+1=cnen e_{n+1}=c_n\cdot e_n

Thus, the rate of convergence is variable but the order of convergence is linear. The regula falsi method, on average, converges faster than the bisection method.


  1. Higher rate of convergence than the bisection method
  2. Guaranteed convergence provided the initial conditions are met


  1. More complex than the bisection method.
  2. Requires the solution to be bracketed.
  3. Order of convergence is linear despite the added complexity.